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NY11 Golden British Shorthair

Private seller

NY11 Golden British Shorthair
Gender: Male
DOB: 3rd June 2024

Both parents are FIV / FelV negative, up to date vaccines and on yearly routine full checkups.

Price inclusive of:-
✅First Vaccine 疫苗
✅Fiv Felv Test 白血球检测
✅Spot-on Treatment 外驱虫
✅Deworming 内驱虫
✅Health Cert Memo 体检证
✅Transition Food 过度粮
✅Backpack Carrier 猫包

Please leave your contact details or WhatsApp me to arrange for viewing (provided price is acceptable for you), thank you!
serious buyers only✌🏻

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Phone numberOTIzNTc3MzY=
Account typePrivate seller
LocationAnak bukit, BUKIT-TIMAH 21
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