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Rehome my cute 1yr old female toy puddle

Private seller

Her birthday is 15 May 2023.
She loves to go out for a walk during the day and OK if not.

The reason why I am trying to rehome her is that I found it is not easy for my old dog (male) to accept another one home. So hope to find a suitable home for my female puddle, she is very cute and so good with people. Very health, no skin issues or anything else, easy to train and feed, very smart.

She will come with a big cage which I got for putting her in while I am not home, she knows to pee and poo in her pee pad., and also ok with diaper.

She is local born, home breed, vaccinated and I deworm her regularly.

Come to view if you're interested.
Address is at Bukit Batok West area (as I couldn't find a right one in the dropdown list)

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Phone numberOTAyMjAwODE=
Account typePrivate seller
LocationCommonwealth, QUEENSTOWN 84
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