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6 yrs old obedient corgi (Adopted)

Private seller

Fostering this dog now, adopted from a pet shop as they do not want her anymore. It's a Welsh Pembroke Corgi very darling girl.

I unfortunately cannot take good long care for her due to upcoming family commitment changes. She came to me without potty trained, but over the 1 week with me walking her twice morning and evening, she is now grass trained:) Corgi is known to be very clever, it's true.

I'm looking for someone who is committed and love to have a lifelong companion and patient has experience with dog to be patient with her and love her. The cost stated here is just reimbursement of her blood test amount, which I have an invoice for fr clinic.

She has all the vaccination adone up to date. She would need dental work which I already have a quotation. plaque buildup on her teeth and mild gingivitis associated with the plaque buildup.

My family vet just came by a few days ago to give her a general health check she's healthy eating well.A full blood test been done at clinic 25 Feb 2023.

Daisy tested negative for heartworm, but positive for E.canis (tick ever) antibodies. She may have been previously exposure to ticks and hence a postive test. Antibiotics for two weeks in progress.

Her heart and lung sounds are clear, but she does have moderate wax accumulation in each ear canal. Please use the ear cleanser recommended by your home vet to continue cleaning. As she is still unsterilised, do strongly recommend for her to be sterilised

She love snacks once in a while she's very obedient if you need someone to accompany you for walk in the evening and cuddle while watching TV she's the one for you. But whoever adopts her will have to give her all the effort and love cause she deserves it.

The dog currently is registered under my name . Will transfer once found the suitable adoptor .dog food and accessories will come with it.

she rarely bark and love to cuddle. Please only experienced and patient committed person need to contact. We hope to find her a new home n owner really soon. Tk u

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Phone numberODQwMjMwMDU=
Account typePrivate seller
LocationAnak bukit, BUKIT-TIMAH 21
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