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Kittens for adoption/sell

Private seller

Hi, devastated to adopt or sell these furbabies but my momma cat has been going all wild and keeps reproducing hahaha. So it's best for them to be in a better place. Giving them away to only serious caretakers. Form is needed to be filled in.
3 weeks old kitten, i have 4 cuties as in pic
3months old cat, siblings, preferred to take both so they wouldn't feel lonely.

Adoption fee will be @ $150 (applicable for all of them)
Selling the kittens each @ $450-650 (negotiable)

Both adoption and sell is to be given a form to fill in and sign for agreement.

For more enquiries, pls msg me at carousel. Thank you

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Phone numberODcxMTk4Mjc=
Account typePrivate seller
LocationBishan east, BISHAN 1
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